Aloha Beautiful,
I am delighted to meet you in the Soul Classroom for this special Divine Heart Awakening event.
It is an honor and a blessing for me to be able to support you access your Enlightened Self and to remember your multidimensional magnificence.
Together... with your Enlightened Self, 1000’s of Master Beings and souls all over the world, we ... Transform wounds into wisdom & karma into Light.
Come join me in the Soul Classroom for this Special Divine Heart Awakening to...
- Access your awakened heart and enlightened self
- Heal lifetimes of pains and patterns
- Return wounds and karma into divine wholeness
- Rewrite your ancient stories in the Soul Classroom with Masters
We meet in the multidimensional Soul Classroom,
outside of time and space, that
your soul remembers. Here, we can heal lifetimes of soul patterns, explore infinite possibilities and then co-create new life experiences and
soul opportunities for your greatest joy!~*~
Please join me in the Soul Classroom LIVE! This
Saturday, Feb 18th at 3pm–4:30pm ET.
There are two ways to join LIVE. You can fill out the form below and join for the live stream transmission only ($50). Or you can click here and
join through membership ($37).
Membership gives you access to the LIVE event, unlimited access to the replay, over 150 hours of transformational healing and teaching in the Video Library, plus the
NEW 6 Enlightenment Transmissions to use during sleep.
Please complete the form below if you'd like to join me for the Special Divine Heart Awakening Transmission ONLY or click here to go register through
memberships.I look forward to seeing your stunning brilliant self in the Soul Classroom soon.
“Kristin has a gift for expressing the inexpressible.”
Rick Archer ~ Host of Buddha at the Gas Pump
“Your classes have changed my life!”
Monica M. ~ Educator
“Wow! Wow! Wow! That was amazing!”
David S. ~ Investment Banker
“This work is freaking powerful!
You are an amazing woman and energetic force..”
K.V.T. ~ Transformation Coach and Artist
“What is specifically unique and great about working with Kristin
is she just has some capacity to flow some serious transmission mojo.”
Andrew M. ~ Acupuncturist
“It’s like you found the volume control on my anxiety valve
and turned it way down.”
R.S. ~ Nurse